Baja NOW Weekly Update: Week of October 15, 2017

Today in the Baja laboratory, members continued to debate new rear suspension designs.  The group discussed the difference between the current design and a 5-point suspension design. Benefits of the proposed design would be a stronger suspension setup when going over rocky terrain. Vice President Rob Pohren’s parents also stopped by to comment on current designs, as well as a new perspective on new designs.

Harold Pohren of H&P Excavating visits the shop to give advice on Upcoming Designs

Harold Pohren of H&P Excavating visits the shop to give advice on Upcoming Designs

Members were tasked to remove the Gearbox Mount from Car 48 to be replaced with a stronger, improved design. Next, the team sat down and began finalizing the Constant Velocity or CV Shafts, which transfer power from the gearbox to the wheel. New designs will include plunge, which will increase the durability of the output shaft. Other members began to cut the knuckles off of last year CV Shafts in order to reuse them so they can be used for testing iterations.

Secretary Eric Jones cutting the existing Gearbox Mount out of Car 48

Secretary Eric Jones cutting the existing Gearbox Mount out of Car 48

Secretary Eric Jones cutting the existing Gearbox Mount out of Car 48

Secretary Eric Jones cutting the existing Gearbox Mount out of Car 48

Former Vice President Alec La Velle continued to work on the upcoming braking system, which he is designing for his Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Project. This new design will create reliable braking force for the front and rear of the vehicles. This will relieve the issue that has plagued the club through Technical Inspection at races over the last few years. Cost Analysis currently is predicting this new design will save the team over $800 over the previous designs.

Alec La Belle working on the Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Project for the new Iowa Baja Braking System

Alec La Belle working on the Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Project for the new Iowa Baja Braking System

We are always looking for sponsors and donations to our team. We accept material, machine time as well as monetary donations. For more information, or to become a Baja Sponsor, check out the "Sponsors" page of our website.

Vice President Rob Pohren (right) teaches Kyle Scharm about the rear suspension of Car 48

Vice President Rob Pohren (right) teaches Kyle Scharm about the rear suspension of Car 48