Baja NOW Weekly Update: Week of September 17, 2017

This weekend, the Baja team devoted all laboratory time to finishing the two vehicles which will race September 22-24 at Louisville Midnight Mayhem in Bedford, Kentucky. On Car 48, rear bars were welded that support the engine area, as well its final safety checkover. At Iowa Baja, safety is our highest priority, both cars were checked by a group of members to ensure all bolts were properly tightened, safety equipment was installed, and all outstanding issues were fixed to make both cars ready to race.

Checking to ensure all bolts are tightened on Car 88

While 48 & 88 were being finished, even more prospective members stopped by our lab to help out, finish their final paperwork to be members and learn more about their cars and being assigned work to complete on each car. 

Vice President Rob Pohren (right) explaining how to bleed the rear braking system on Car 48

Vice President Rob Pohren (right) explaining how to bleed the rear braking system on Car 48

After the cars had been checked over, and for the first time since February, Cars 88 & 48 were pulled of the shop and started. Vice President Rob Pohren conducted some initial tests on both vehicles intended to see if anything else needed to be checked.

"What a relief! New members have already learned so much by putting both 88 and 48 back together for Kentucky. I'm excited to say their hard work will have paid off when they get behind the wheel this weekend."
- Rob Pohren

It was determined after this that both cars are ready for next week. 

The team performing final safety checks before testing

The team performing final safety checks before testing

We are always looking for donations to our team. We accept material, machine time as well as monetary donations. For more information, check out the "Sponsors" page of our website.



Bram WilliamsIowa Baja Racing