Last Friday, Iowa Baja participated in the 2018 University of Iowa Homecoming Day Parade. The Homecoming Day Parade is one of the largest events that Iowa Baja participates in each year with over 16,000 spectators along the mile-long parade route
It was a beautiful evening along the parade, as The University of Iowa celebrated its theme “100 Years: From Kinnick to the Kids”. We were proud to be a part of this event. At Iowa Baja, part of our mission is to share the knowledge of the STEM field with our community. This was especially apparent as we navigated the route through Iowa City. Children cheered as they saw Cars 88 & 33 along the parade route. Behind the wheel of Car 33, President Rob Pohren drove alongside the crowd line high fiving spectators with their children, potential future Hawkeye engineers.
Quotes from the Team
Moments like these are always thanks to our Sponsors. We are always looking for sponsors and donations to our team. We accept material, machine time as well as monetary donations. For more information, or to become a Baja Sponsor, check out the "Sponsors" page of our website.