Baja NOW Weekly Update: Week of August 26, 2018


Welcome to Baja NOW, where Iowa Baja posts weekly updates on the Iowa Baja team from both Baja Laboratory and any events attended by Baja. To receive notifications when a new Baja Now is posted, follow us on Facebook and Twitter at @iowabaja.

Members repairing the damage to The Patriot

Members repairing the damage to The Patriot

The first shop day of the year ran smoother than ever and, of course, was very busy. New members completed the required safety quizzes and signed the appropriate waivers required to be a member of Iowa Baja. These quizzes also help ensure members understand how to safely work in a lab environment. New members must finish quizzes ranging from knowledge on Personal Protection Equipment, to the proper procedure when operating machines in the laboratory. 

Alex Dalziel and Mitch Evens examine Car #48's suspension

Alex Dalziel and Mitch Evens examine Car #48's suspension

Jacob Koke cleaning the rust off of one of the half shafts

Jacob Koke cleaning the rust off of one of the half shafts

Meanwhile, in the lab, members Ben Atzen and Kyle Scharm began work on designing a custom data acquisition system. This system will measure stress and strain forces at different points of the frame throughout the car.

Members Kyle Scharm (left) and Ben Atzen began to conceptualize their new Data Acquisition System. 

Members Kyle Scharm (left) and Ben Atzen began to conceptualize their new Data Acquisition System. 

Quantitative data is important to prove the durability of designs. We need to make sure what we say will actually work as designed in an uncontrolled environment. This new system will allow us to more accurately and efficiently test our car.
— Ben Atzen

On the other side of the Baja Lab, the team began to deconstruct Car #104. 104 was our National Competition Vehicle during the 2016-2017 season. It competed at SAE Collegiate Design Series Baja Nationals in Peoria, Illinois. It has now reached the end of its useful life at Iowa Baja, and will be disposed of per university protocol.

(Clockwise from Left) Paulina, Abby, Eric & Corey begin the process of deconstructing Car #104

(Clockwise from Left) Paulina, Abby, Eric & Corey begin the process of deconstructing Car #104

We are always looking for donations to our team. We accept material, machine time as well as monetary donations. For more information, check out the "Sponsors" page of our website.